Minisode: Light Your Soul’s Lamp


Trust Your Soul's Memory

As we rush around our days we often make lists, voice memos, and notes because for fear we will forget something important. But in Psalm 18, King David reminds us that we can trust the Lord to guide us in our most important decisions and situations. 

The Irish poet John O’Donohue once wrote that in the soul, “nothing is lost. This is a great consolation: The happenings of life do not disappear. Nothing is ever lost or forgotten. Everything is stored within your soul in the temple of memory.”


Ancient monks sang through the entire 150 passages of the psalter, making the imagery and meaning their own over time by memorization. 

As an Advent preparation exercise that helps us trust our soul’s memory for what is most important—love, faith, humility, purity—follow the hyperlink to this psalm and commit all or part of it to memory over the next few weeks.  Store it in the temple of your soul in preparation of Christ’s coming.