Signs Are All Around Us

We sometimes hold so tightly to what we want that we miss what is being offered. For important decisions, we sometimes have a small voice inside prompting us to pay attention to other options, but we stubbornly resist.  Often a sign, such as a rainbow, can catch us off guard and prompt us to notice differently. In Genesis 9: 12-16, God reminds us that a rainbow will always be a sign of His promise to love us.

WRITING PROMPT  Think about the last time you saw a rainbow. Write about the experience: the when, where, with whom, but most of all, try to capture how you felt when seeing it.  Were you uplifted by its rareness? Were you thrilled by its beauty?  Did you appreciate it more because it was fleeting?

Now connect that feeling to an important decision you are trying to make. Is there an option that allows for beauty, appreciation and positivity, one that you had not noticed before?