Mini Meditations

A little lectio for praying-as-you-go

Surrender: A prayer of acceptance when you’ve done enough

When you realize that your need to help is actually hurting–both yourselves and others–it is time to surrender with prayer.

Finding Self in the Inner Sanctuary

In a place of sacred pause, calm, and clarity, you can find yourself.

Good Friday Mediation: Admitting Fault is Restorative

We atone, but always with hope in the Resurrection. How do you approach God: with confidence in his mercy or temerity?

Have No Desire to be Perfect

Lent reminds us that perfection is never the goal, even for those called to avowed life.

Finding Grace to Practice More Healing, Less Helping

Unbalanced relationships threaten to harden us. Spiritual Reading creates the space and grace to soften our hearts even when we feel desperate and isolated.

Listening for the holy means accepting others as beloved.

“It was not until I lost my hearing that I started learning to listen .”

Speak with Love, not Judgement

Love of neighbor requires holding our tongue and not correcting others, says Catherine of Sienna and this month’s author.

Pray: Tears are a Gift

Tears can be holy water if we are brave enough to share our grief and joy and ecstasy and despair with others.

A Pilgrimage toward Joy: Read & Pray [Rebroadcast]

A literary pilgrimage leads to a new openness to trust and hope.

Pray: Death teaches love & how to “be”

Two spiritual seekers—one a Trappist monk and the other a journalist—ponder the universal questions about the meaning of life through death.