Pray: Learning Lectio Divina

Learn about what to expect from lectio divina.

Write: Re-write a painful experience

Free writing about a painful experience can bring growth.

Embracing the Dark with Mennonite Poet Becca Lachman

A singer-songwriter discusses how writing poetry and lyrics have helped her get through “dark nights of the soul.”

Pray: Trusting the Path

Thomas Merton suggests that being at peace with life’s confusion and contradictions is possible if we know and trust God’s presence.

Exploring the “Waste of Our Being” with Carl McColman

Even in the middle of a noisy world we can be contemplative, accepting our own distractedness.

Minisode: Looking for a Sign

Often a sign, such as a rainbow, can catch us off guard and prompt us to notice differently.

Minisode: A Musical Gift

A musical gift to our listeners: an original tune by Irish guitarist Martin Dunlea titled “Where’s the Silence?”

Minisode: Light Your Soul’s Lamp

This Advent remember that it is God who lights our lamp, who brightens our darkness.

On Fire with Personal Authenticity

Even pain, weakness, and brokenness can be a “fire” that spreads to others and leads them to a transformative relationship with God.

Minisode: Power of Intercessory Prayer

Often intercessors, those righteous people we know both on earth and in heaven, can pray for us.